• +98 026-34235386
  • شنبه-چهارشنبه ۹ صبح - ۱۶ عصر


GF comprises three divisions: GF Piping Systems, GF Automotive, and GF Machining Solutions. Founded in 1802, the Corporation is headquartered in Switzerland and is present in 33 countries with 131 companies, 51 of them production facilities. Its approximately 14ʼ800 employees generated sales of CHF 3ʼ744 million in 2016. GF is the preferred partner of its customers for the safe transport of liquids and gases, lightweight casting components in vehicles, and high-precision manufacturing technologies.

**اشکال یابی جوملا**


**اطلاعات مشخصات**

**حافظه استفاده شده**

**پرس و جو پایگاه داده**

**ایرادات بارگذاری در فایل زبان**

**فایل زبان آپلود شده**

**رشته ترجمه نشده**